This website is going offline in 2025

Hoi iedereen,

zoals velen van jullie wellicht al weten, is het voor mij al sinds lange tijd enigszins moeilijk om de balans tussen het creatieve en het commerciёle aspect van SmillustrationS te vinden. Het is altijd wat zoeken en aftasten geweest en tegen beter weten in toch maar willen doorzetten. Uiteindelijk heb ik dit voorjaar de moeilijke beslissing genomen om mijn creatieve onderneming toch stop te zetten. Het voelde voor mij als een soort verlies, wat ik nog steeds een plaats probeer te geven. Desalniettemin heb ik er het volste vertrouwen in dat dit de enige juiste weg was voor mij.

Alle mensen die mij zo gesteund hebben doorheen de jaren, wil ik dan ook vanuit het diepst van mijn hart bedanken. Niet enkel door mijn kaartjes te kopen, maar ook door jullie gulle complimenten, heb ik veel erkenning mogen ervaren.

Ik blijf nog steeds creatief bezig en blijf ook met veel liefde de rest van de stock van de kaartjes verkopen maar concreet betekent de stopzetting van SmillustrationS nu :

1. Dat de website vanaf 2025 offline gaat,

2. Dat ook het bijbehorend emailadres inactief wordt,

Bestellingen plaatsen voor de kaartjes in stock zal nog steeds mogelijk zijn, maar dan via mijn e-mailadres Ook voor vragen en dergelijke ben ik zo te bereiken.

Bedankt voor het vertrouwen gedurende al deze jaren,

Lieve groetjes

About me:

For as long as I can remember I have been exploring my creativity. In my teens I discovered that my passion lies within painting. After following some courses (which weren't all successful) I took a break from art. That was until I discovered intuitive art, which made the path free for me to discover my own style and technique. A few years ago I started illustrating to expand my creative horizons and find other means to express myself. As life hasn't been easy on me, I continually try to find ways to keep myself busy with meaningful, constructive activities. After getting some positive reactions, I decided to try to start my own business and bring my artwork out there! After getting some positive reactions, I decided to try to start my own business and bring my artwork out there!

Design philosophy:

I emphasize on positivity throughout my work, and sometimes use encouraging or funny quotes. This originated from my own needs but now I want to be able to make other people smile by sharing my art.

The world can be a harsh environment, and I think many of us would benefit from a more silly playful outlook on life!

Product Line - Customizable:

Smillustrations is a stationery brand that originated from my personal need to have some lightness and joy in life. I hope to bring this out there into the world with my animals in a colourful, dreamy, fairytale-like atmosphere. Next to the existing postcards and writing paper I offer,  I also emphasize on customizable stationery such as address labels, stickers, birth cards, (wedding) invitations, notebooks, calendars,...

Both the illustrations as the accompanied texts can be personalized. Please contact me if you're interested.

Examples can be found when you click on my products-page button.


so proud to have my foxes sold out

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As the end of 2021 is approaching, I am certain that many of you will again have had a challenging year to look back at, since the corona pandemic and its devastating consequences remain present.

I sincerely hope you are all in a good physical and emotional state of wellbeing. The coming holiday season still confronts us with many social restrictions, but let’s nevertheless make it something to look forward to.

And what better way to reconnect and celebrate the warmth of a relationship with a loved one than to send and/or receive a handwritten card in your mailbox!  SmillustrationS is here to help you out with that 😉.

This year I have the honour to introduce a new Christmas card to the collection : ‘Bunny Love’. To me it represents warmth, simplicity, enjoying the little things and spreading those feelings.

You are more than welcome to check out this and my many other cards and stationery on the website.

Wishing you the best,




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Update August 2017 - New Life

Hello to everyone reading this. It’s been over a year since I started raising funds to launch my illustration company. SmillustrationS has been successfully started in may 2016. Sales weren’t sky-rocketing, but that’s normal I guess. I was already very grateful for the attention and support I was receiving from all kinds of directions. That there could be a financial extra in it as well, has definitely been a bonus, but never my main goal for this company. In fact, I started SmillustrationS to gain some self-esteem and to send a positive message throughout the world. Life hasn’t been easy on me as I struggle to overcome some chronic health issues. But then again, I truly believe we all struggle in a way. My creativity has helped me a lot in having a more positive outlook on life, whether this comes from the joy of creating things, or the happiness of using colours, or the animals that pop in my head and come out of my sketching pencil. Sometimes I use quotes, as I find them very empowering and useful myself. It still is my dream to spread this joy, to have more eyes seeing my silly animals or whimsical artwork.


I am a creative being, and I believe in authenticity. In honesty, in hearing your inner voice and responding to it. That is what I do. If you remain true to yourself and your personal style, you can never fail. At the very least, you have translated what lies within you to something visible to others. You have experienced the joy of a creativity flow.


That flow is also a subject to ebb and flood. SmillustrationS has had a period of hibernation this first half year. This gave me the time to contemplate what direction to take. Of course this came along with doubts and struggles.

That is why I am extra proud and grateful to introduce you to this NEW LIFE.


I’ve translated this in a new postcard design, very soon to be on sale, on the website ( and on etsy ( One of my favourite animals is getting into production and is joining the product line!


I believe in the power of art, in the power of offline living. That’s why I create postcards. I personally love sending and receiving them. They’re so much more personal than an email or a text message. The sender has taken the time to choose something especially for the lucky receiver, and written his/her words down carefully as they remain on the paper. Unlike email, this is real, it’s touchable, you can read it over and over again. You can cherish whatever message someone gave you with it.


I am a creative being, and there’s more to be said about this new life! With the help of friends and fans such as you out there, some ideas started brewing and that’s how a cross-pollination between two of my passions occurred. I love boardgames and a friend of mine asked for good quality stickers to mark hers. I researched the best way to translate my designs to this. So now I am proud to offer you high quality vinyl stickers, totally customizable with your name, another text, a favourite animal, …They come in high quantities, so they are perfect to mark your boardgames, book collection, or whatever other collection you want to leave your message on 😊.


As always, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have further questions and thank you for keeping your faith in SmillustrationS!